Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I'm home!!!!!

OMG I'm so happy to be home!! I noticed that I am NOT a good patient!!!! Saturday morning Up woke up at 6:00am walked through the living room into the kitchen and passed out I have no ideal how it happened, one min I was standing the next I was on my face on the floor, a full face nose dive. I ended up with a HUGE nose, blood everywhere, 2 really really huge lips that looked like raw hamburger since my front tooth with into it, oh and I lose that said tooth and another one in the fall plus another huge bruise on my chin..all I can say is OUCH. Now if you know me you know I had no plans on going to the hospital I mean none at all. I just went up to my room cleaned myself up and went back to bed, the kids knew I did this but I told them I had a headache and to let me rest for awhile. Now my hubby he was home at the time but just getting ready to leave to go ice fishing with his brother, when Dillon told him just hey mom fell so when he came up to our room it was dark and I just told him I had a bloody nose and to go ahead and go fishing. Took a nice long nap but at 3:00 in the afternoon Crystal came home came upstairs to tell me about her day till she took one look at my face and freaked out. She tried to talk me into going but it wasn't working till she hit my soft soft spot..she asked if it were her would I make her go to the hospital...sigh when did she get so tricky. So off to the hospital we went..9 hours later I'm admitted against my will..I was told only for test and to watch over me for the night since I hit my head..yea right, I think once they have you they keep you! Sunday I had an ultrasound on my neck, Monday the Dr came in and said I needed to have another test I knew I was going to have two test but the one isn't done on the weekends...geeez had to see a heart Dr also in my nice check Dr said Monday that I was going to go home...again they lied to seems that Monday night I set off my heart monitor when I walked to the bathroom so Tuesday morning when the Dr came in of course he told me another day...grrrrr. I guess this must of upset me more then I thought it did because that monitor went off so many times, but I had so much news from home that upset me, I found out the Samantha was set to school with her insulin pump having NO insulin left, I didn't pay the bills I wanted to the weekend I got hurt, I was just down and depressed I wanted to go just walking a few steps that darn thing would go off it was I calmed myself down stayed in bed like a good girl got my rest and had a nice surprise visit by my pastor, mother in-law, brother and sister in-law, Heather, Justin and Crystal it was a nice night..and best of all no monitors going off...yay!!!!! So today when the Dr came in he sprang me he said I could go home...I was so excited I hugged the
I never knew how much I missed these crazy people in my family how sad I get without I would rate today a really great day..
Oh yea all my test and x-rays showed nothing everything is fine and I got a clean bill of health but on the bad side he wants me on a low dose beta blocker for a few weeks...I hate taking meds!


Maisy said...

WOW! How awful and scary! You poor thing! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Just hearing you talk about it, gives me pain for you, hun. So, these Beta blockers are supposed to keep you from passing out again? I'm glad you got visitors in the hospital, and I'm SUPER glad you are now home. Prayers for you to get better quickly, and for your family to be very understanding, helping each other out just to give you extra rest time. Hugs.

Lisa said...

Goodness, how scary! I am glad you're home now. I wouldn't worry about taking the drugs. Keep taking them while you work on the other things to see if they help. If they do, your docs will help you to reduce or even get rid of the meds you are taking. Hang in there!

Beachcomber said...

Ouch how scary. I'm glad you are ok and are at home now. Did they find out why you blacked out? Is that what the beta blockers medicine is for? Take it easy and try to rest up.

Happy Valentine's Day!