Monday, February 16, 2009

He learned to paint :O)

Jorden went into the boys room and found a jar of black poster paint and he had a BALL!! His brother Nicholas was only a few feet away and didnt even notice him making a

I had to take a picture of him with a broom only because it was the only way I could get him to stan still for more then a second..I swear this child has been into everything this pass climbing on the couch, onto the end tables, ect....


Maisy said...

Hilarious! Isn't it amazing how they start to investigate everything, and then they want to be a part of the action itself? I think I need to let Owen get more dirty from time to time. lol.

Beachcomber said...


Lisa said...

He's so cute! I'm like you-can't turn my back for ONE SECOND or there is a disaster!