Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Praying he changes his mind

My son David is due to get out of the marines Jan of next year, well they have asked him if he will extend because they want him to go to Afghanistan :O( he works on the Osprey and there are not many guys qualified for his job as of yet. The deployment this time if he goes will be 7 months to a year NOT on a base like last time but out in the middle of no where, dropped off with 2 planes and a crew (he doesn't know how many) no phones, water, housing nothing.. he hated it last time when he was in Iraq and that time he was on the biggest base that had stores, a movie theater, a bowling ally restaurants everything in fact it was nick named camp cupcake...lol
He says he doesn't want to go but he feels that he is needed and with our present economy he is afraid to get out now even if he is going to be going to school. He still can change his mind I know this, he doesn't have to tell them for another 6 months but the whole ideal just makes me sick with worry, David has always had a hard time saying no to anyone I know they will bully or guilt him into going :O(
Then on top of that Anthony did a pre enlistment in Dec but so far hasn't said a word about going in but did say one time I can change my mind at anytime "I didn't sign anything" he is the type you cant talk to him he has to realize on his own what he wants..I think lately with his girlfriend he wants to stay here in Mich :O) only time will tell

On the home front Samantha has another ear infection...sigh.. this one is really bad I took her to the ER Sat, they were shocked how her ear was and that she was letting them look without crying :O( poor baby they tell me with her having diabetes this is just going to be the norm..this one came out of nowhere, Yesterday I had to take her back to the Dr since it didn't seem to be clearing up in fact getting worse..the Dr had to put her on double meds praying this works.

Me I had my gyn appointment yesterday and got the all clear on my health..I didn't tell him about my little fall and wasn't going to till he told me he knew since all my test were sent to him also, and that he seen my name on the ER list...now I didn't think they would give my ob this info but I guess better safe then sorry so now he knows and he also thinks I'm in good health in fact he asked me if I was coming back to see him in a few months...lol

Monday, February 16, 2009

He learned to paint :O)

Jorden went into the boys room and found a jar of black poster paint and he had a BALL!! His brother Nicholas was only a few feet away and didnt even notice him making a mess...lol

I had to take a picture of him with a broom only because it was the only way I could get him to stan still for more then a second..I swear this child has been into everything this pass week..like climbing on the couch, onto the end tables, ect....

Clean Bill of Health :O)

I went to the Cardiologist last week and had ANOTHER echo gram and everything came out fine, he cant find anything wrong with me other then MAYBE I was over stressed when I was in the hospital..DUH I told them that the whole time. They think that my pass out in the first place was due to not eating right, not sleeping much and stress ..now that I would have to agree with and after many test they figured that my heart rate when up so much on Tuesday at the hospital because they wouldnt let me go home...geee I wonder how they figured that one out...lol
So the Dr said no meds and just try to slow down a bit or I will be back in the hospital again..ok I get it time to take time for myself right....lol
Then today I went to my normal Dr even though I had the all clear from the Cardiologist, I didnt want my main Dr to feel out of the loop after all, he takes care of all my kids I didnt want him to think he wasnt good enough for me too..so I made my appointment and seen him today.I told him what the Cardiologist said and my test results and that I took myself off the meds ( he didnt like that, but said since my test came out well and my heart rate is back to normal he was ok with it...didnt have the heart to tell him it didnt matter if he agreed or not ;O) Soooooooooo the long and the short of it is
1) I passed out
2) no real medical reason why
3) all my test came back great
4) I dont have diabetes, thyroid problems, or high blood pressure (I was tested for all of those)
5) I dont have to have another tetnes shot for another 10 years...YAY
6) I'm in rather good heath :O)
7) I got a 5 day vacation sitting in a bed with one bad roommate for 4 days and a good one for a day and my insurance footed the bill...I would have rathered gone to Hawaii for the sum of 17,089. dollars and the bills are still rolling in...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I'm a great aunt :O)

My niece Anna had her baby Feb 11...a beautiful baby girl 7 lbs 5 oz 21 inches long..the little stinker was 10 days over due. Anna went in on Monday to be induced but nothing even started to happen till Wed morning, after hours of labor and and 3 more hours of pushing and making it to 9cm the babies heart rate dropped and they had to do a c-section, which was a good thing since the baby was coming out sideways and had the cord wrapped around her neck. The poor thing was in such pain Wed, Thur, and Fri..today she is doing so much better. Thursday I spent most of the night with her since her hubby had his daddy's party, so Anna's sister in-law and I babysat her at the hospital. I felt so bad for her watching her tense in pain over every movement, cough or laugh. Helping her to the bathroom was a chore in its self since she her legs and feet swelled up sooooooooooooooooo much and her stitches in her belly plus she had such bruising from almost having a vaginal birth..but the whole time she didn't complain a bit she in fact laughed it off and kept saying if it would happen to anyone it would be her..

Today the Dr came in and told her he wants her to come into the office Monday to be tested for Fibromyalgia since she was so sick through her whole pregnancy...well most of her life she has been sick, in a way its a good thing at least we can have an answer to all this and maybe they can help her to start feeling better

Today when I stopped by to see her she looks like her old self, that was nice to see :O)

my niece Anna and her husband Mo Layla Marie..sleeping

wade awake

Friday, February 06, 2009

Not sure what to do

Ok so the Dr put me on a beta blocker, I don't do meds very well I pride myself in being healthy and not taking anything,,I wont even take an aspirin if I really really don't have to. So these pills he seems to think I should stay on always I have been doing some reading up on raised heart rates, these are just some of the things that can raise your rate...all of which I do
1) caused by stress.we all know I have LOTS of that these days
2) lack of sleep..now that's something else I hardly do, haven't since I was first pregnant with Jorden
3) oh man I'm addicted to my caffeine!!!!
4) I don't drink water
5) don't eat right..that one is a BIG problem
6)anxiety..I had that the whole time in the hospital
7)loss of blood..heck the vampires came in sometimes 3 times a day for blood

so I look at some of these causes and figure I can make some changes, but while making the changes do I take the meds or do I pass??? This is a hard one I'm suppose to see the Dr in 2 weeks for another check up, this is just my reg Dr not the heart guy. So do I see him instead my normal Dr, head is spinning, I don't want this to happen again but in reality I was a ticking time boom..guess I finally blew..lol

So far NO caffeine since Tuesday evening...
getting sleep now that I am home :O)
eating 3 meals a day
and I 'm TRYING to lessen the stress but sometimes it just come looking for me.lol I stressed out today going to the dentist just knowing I had to show him my lovely smile.yes I'm vane..then I stressed when he said I will have to wait a week for my gums to heal before we can start work ( I dont like the ideal of staying this way even for a day longer.lol)...then the thought of him drilling and doing root canals made me stress AGAIN, I know I'm a basket case!!!
So today I did take the meds and my heart rate went down from 109 to 80 but I feel like my head is in a cloud hard to concentrate..now that's not good when you have a lot of kids is it!!!
Ok I 'm going to relive some stress and go cuddle my baby :O)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I'm home!!!!!

OMG I'm so happy to be home!! I noticed that I am NOT a good patient!!!! Saturday morning Up woke up at 6:00am walked through the living room into the kitchen and passed out I have no ideal how it happened, one min I was standing the next I was on my face on the floor, a full face nose dive. I ended up with a HUGE nose, blood everywhere, 2 really really huge lips that looked like raw hamburger since my front tooth with into it, oh and I lose that said tooth and another one in the fall plus another huge bruise on my chin..all I can say is OUCH. Now if you know me you know I had no plans on going to the hospital I mean none at all. I just went up to my room cleaned myself up and went back to bed, the kids knew I did this but I told them I had a headache and to let me rest for awhile. Now my hubby he was home at the time but just getting ready to leave to go ice fishing with his brother, when Dillon told him just hey mom fell so when he came up to our room it was dark and I just told him I had a bloody nose and to go ahead and go fishing. Took a nice long nap but at 3:00 in the afternoon Crystal came home came upstairs to tell me about her day till she took one look at my face and freaked out. She tried to talk me into going but it wasn't working till she hit my soft soft spot..she asked if it were her would I make her go to the hospital...sigh when did she get so tricky. So off to the hospital we went..9 hours later I'm admitted against my will..I was told only for test and to watch over me for the night since I hit my head..yea right, I think once they have you they keep you! Sunday I had an ultrasound on my neck, Monday the Dr came in and said I needed to have another test I knew I was going to have two test but the one isn't done on the weekends...geeez had to see a heart Dr also in my nice check up..my Dr said Monday that I was going to go home...again they lied to me..lol seems that Monday night I set off my heart monitor when I walked to the bathroom so Tuesday morning when the Dr came in of course he told me another day...grrrrr. I guess this must of upset me more then I thought it did because that monitor went off so many times, but I had so much news from home that upset me, I found out the Samantha was set to school with her insulin pump having NO insulin left, I didn't pay the bills I wanted to the weekend I got hurt, I was just down and depressed I wanted to go home...so just walking a few steps that darn thing would go off it was crazy....so I calmed myself down stayed in bed like a good girl got my rest and had a nice surprise visit by my pastor, mother in-law, brother and sister in-law, Heather, Justin and Crystal it was a nice night..and best of all no monitors going off...yay!!!!! So today when the Dr came in he sprang me he said I could go home...I was so excited I hugged the man..lol
I never knew how much I missed these crazy people in my family how sad I get without them...so I would rate today a really great day..
Oh yea all my test and x-rays showed nothing everything is fine and I got a clean bill of health but on the bad side he wants me on a low dose beta blocker for a few weeks...I hate taking meds!