Sunday, September 09, 2007

I am better.. lol

Ok after my hissy fit in my last post I am doing so much better :O)

I did a lot of searching on the net and found a nice chat for Children with Diabetes...and where they ever helpful!!! I think now I might have all the papers I will need to get Samantha's school off their behinds!! I found out how to make a 504 plan something set up by the state that they HAVE to provide care for my baby...they want me to come up to the school 2 times a day everyday something I cant really do after the baby is born. I figure I will go to the school for a week and train these people and just kept throwing papers at them if need For once I don't feel so lost and helpless when it comes to the school.
I am even getting Chuck to do more I am not giving him much of a choice I am just giving him her insulin pen and telling him how much to give her..and Samantha is checking her own blood levels now and wants to start doing her own shots with that cool new pen she has ...every bit helps believe me! She is trying to learn and do things for herself after she got a letter from her new pen pal who is the same age told her that she started doing her own shots a week after she found out she had Diabetes. When we go shopping Samantha is so funny she looks at all packages to tell me how many carbs is in this or that then if she thinks the carbs are low of course she will ask me to buy got to love it. Its just so nice to see her trying to take part in her health care...the better she does the faster she may be able to get the pump. That's her real goal.

As far as me I am TRYING to slow down a bit but its not easy when you use to overdrive. I still have to get up at 2 am to test Samantha's blood and wake her up by 7:20 every morning for school... can we say not much sleeping, guess I 'll be use to it by the time the baby gets here I wont be sleping then Since we have been home from the hospital I have not been home all day once, I am either at the school, store, Dr's, dental visits, which by the way I have 2 more going tomorrow and after that I have to take Samantha up to the hospital for a special test...praying this test comes out saying she has, not type 1 diabetes and its not really type 2 the Dr called it in between 1 & 2 Diabetes if she has this she would be able to take oral meds and not shots...PRAYING hard!!!!!
I think after tomorrow I might not have to do as much running..YIPPIE
I am getting pretty big, I went bowling today and everyone there was asking me when I am due thinking it was soon I kind of got shocked looks when I told them I am not due till Dec was funny to watch their eyes
This little guy is getting pretty active in there when I have a few seconds to sit down and notice. I am going to have to try and find time in the next few months to go car seat this is going to happen sooner then I think isnt it
I'll try and post the outcome of my meeting with the school...this should be fun.
Here is Samantha on her first day of school

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I dont even know where to start. Its been a week since Samantha got out of the hosp she is doing very well so much better then myself. I always thought of myself as someone who could hold a lot together but I dont know any more I feel like I am being pulled in so many ways and everyone wants something. Its really starting to wear on me. Trying to remember to make appointments and to get them all on different days so not to over lap, to remember Samantha's shots on time, planning meals, figuring out her carbs, and oh those lovely 2 am blood checks.. I am not complaining about taking care of my daughter its just that I am doing everything myself while everyone else acts like things are the same old way here.. That mom will do dinner, laundry, shopping, cleaning and take care of Samantha while they play on the computer goes to school going to work, goes out with friends or what ever else they do. I worry that when I go some place I need to be home by this time or that, that when I do go out to bring all of the stuff Samantha might need to be checked, it just on my mind all the time and it seems that its not any anyone one elses. I am starting to feel bitter over this bear hunting trip my husband has coming up 8 more days its the only thing on his maid and the only thing he does anything for. It just makes me think wow you get a break from daily life to relax to be with the guys..that will not happen for me for a long time I worry that when I go into the hosp to have the baby who will take care of Samantha I cant trust her dad not right now he never has counted her carbs or planned a meal. yea he knows how to total up her carbs and to add the blood sugar and how much insulin she would need and how to give a shot but thats about it he doesnt know what kinds of things to give her or how to plan for meals or what to even give her for snack and why sometimes I give certain kinds of snacks and just think I have a little less the 3 months to TRY to get him to do these things. The school that one I dont even want to talk about right now makes me mad even thinking about it.. and Monday I get to have round 3 with them.
I guess right now I am just having a petty party for myself god thing I am the only one invited to this party..I just need things to slow down to have a day I dont have to see a Dr not one of mine, not one of the kids no one in a white coat, a day not to have to run up to the school, a day not to have to run up to the store for just one thing ending up with 20 I just need a day to stay home and clean to do something normal!!! Since we I say we because I stayed the whole time with Samantha in the hosp anyways since we have been home I have not stayed home one day I have had to go to the eye drs for 2 kids, the ped dr for Samantha ( dont know why guess he wanted to feel in the loop) 3 dental appointments thankful all in one day, and the school several times a day for the pass two days and they still want me to come many times a day for the next week or two.. I JUST WANT TO STAY HOME...oh and NOT to have the phone ring off the hook would be a nice thing too, tired of faxing the Dr, his mom calling me daily for check up like I dont know what I am doing..ok so I dont yet but I am learning and she is clueless to all of this so how can she tell me what I need to be doing???? my mom has been such a god sent to me the poor women gets all my vents.. what would I do with out mom :O)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Where to begin.ooops here is the rest of the story

This pas week has been a blur! Little did I know that my world would be turn upside down. It all started Thursday when I took Rachel and Samantha to a church baseball game. Samantha was acting kind of funny and was just sitting there watching the game I didnt think too much about it because it was hot and I thought that was why she didnt want to run around like usual. After being there about 30 mins she came up to me and told me she throw up but just a little. I thought it was the hot sun since she was acting normal otherwise. Then Friday came Samantha was fine all day till after dinner, thats when she went to lay down she said she didnt feel good. I thought it was the flu since her friend across the street had it she ran to the bathroom and hrow up again, then again so I started pushing fluids at her. She throw up one more time and went to sleep. Samantha slept on the love seat and I slept on the couch near her I didnt hear her get up durning the night and every time I checked on her she had no fever. Saturday morning as soon as she got up she ran to the bathroom and throw up again when she came out of the bathroom OMG she scared me her face was gray in color and she looked so thin so very thin. I called the Dr he told me to take her to the ER to have an i.v . Here I am still thinking she had the flu and that maybe she was Dehydrated.

Well the Dr didnt tell me too much here I am thinking after they re hydrated her she would be fine and we would go home the next thing I know the Dr comes back in the room and tells me my little 8 year old daughter is in critical condition and they were going to move her to a different hosp.. talk about shock!! I ran home grabbed a few things and off to the new hosp they were taking her to. As soon as I walked into her I.C.U room the Dr there looked at me and said "you know your daughter has type 1 Diabetes" I just felt numb I didnt know what to think or say I didnt even know if I was really hearing him right. I did manage to ask him if they were sure and why they thought this he told me her blood level from before she left the other hosp was 1050 that I was sooooooooooooooooo lucky that she wasnt in a just blew me away just the morning before she was playing acting normal how could this be??? Then I took a good look at my baby seeing her with 3 I.V bags in her arm heart monitors on her wires everywhere reality started sinking in... We stayed in the hosp together for 4 day and had so many nurses and Drs trying to tell me what to do for her care..the first 2 days are a blur I dont think I remember much of anything they told me then...but after the shock wore off and I stopped crying anytime Samantha wasnt looking I started understanding the things they were telling me the pass few days and everything new they told me..the first shot I had to give her I was scared to death I didnt want to hurt her but they made me do it and now I find myself doing it 4 times a day without even thinking, I cant even count how many finger pokes I am doing per day. Chuck right now is in denial but he is being so good with her, in fact he is babying her just a tad too much. I sure things will fall into place for all of us soon..

Friday, August 24, 2007


I will finish updating after I get home today from the dentist for Anthony ( second visit this week for him) getting my hair cut and dropping Rachel off ..I hope that's all I have to

of course I had to put in my 24 week pic but this is a few days late.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

life at 23

I havent been very good about keeping this up :O( I cant remember the last time I updated either. I am now 23 weeks 5 days they say at 24 weeks the baby is viable..yipie!!!! Of course each passing day is even better for the baby :O)
I am doing well having a lot of round ligament pains I never really had them before, but with this baby I am almost getting them daily...This little guy is really starting to be a mover the pass few days, he use to keep the kicking very very down low but now he is starting to move up a bit TG. Not too much new on the baby front other then my next appointment I get to have that lovely glucose test.yuck!!!
The kids are starting to get ready for school to start some are happy to go back to see their friends and what teachers they will get others ( Dillon) are not wanting to go back, did you know school is evil from what I was told by the one
Samantha just turned 8 a few days ago the poor kid had pink eye for her party, and she still has it now. Steven got it a week ago and was put on drops the Dr said if anyone else got it to "drop them" so I started giving it to her on her birthday. Now Steven started to show improvement within 24 hours Samantha's is STILL bad it doesnt seem to be getting any better. I am giving her till Monday then we go back to the Dr for her.
David leaves for Calf today he will be there for 3 weeks. He will be trainning the guys there on how to work on the osprey so that when they go to Iraq they will know what to do...They are hoping for this aircraft to be a big thing.. David is set to go to Iraq in Feb of 08 it use to seem so far away but now its just too close time seems like its ticking so fast!!! He is going to TRY to come home in Sept for 2 weeks I hope he gets to he hasnt been home since Dec :O( ok so he was home to go camping with us Memorial weekend but that just blew by!!!!
Chuck's work is starting to be a joke. Sometimes we get paid and sometimes we dont this pay period is a dontget paid one..grrrrr. I think he should start looking for a new job but then again there isnt anything out there and this start is #one for unempoyment. I am just hoping he can stay where he is at till the baby is born thats if we get paid. I am just scared about the insurance stuff and a new job..
This weeks new BIG belly pic I think I poped last night I swear!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

21 weeks :O)

Ok so I am either a day late in writing this or a day

I am now 21 weeks according to my ultrasound. My due date now is Dec 10th Dr Wolfe said for sure I will have this baby before Christmas, I hope I have this little one in time that I can be home for Christmas I would hate to come home on Christmas day or Christmas eve. I am shooting for Dec 10 to the 20th I am always late.

The baby is really starting to pick up now still not vey hard more like a flick but its still cool and reassuring. I think I must of popped in the last few day I went to pick Christopher up from his bed and he pointed at my belly and said what it

Here is my 21 weeks belly shot July 30,2007

my ultrasound pictures from a few weeks ago
The tech was great he took his time and showed me everything and why he was looking for the things he was...He even took a lot of extra shots for me I think I have a total of 7 the babies full leg shot, foot prints, sucking the thumb, the skull shot, another profile and these two..he really put my mind at ease :O)

Friday, June 01, 2007


I swear I felt the baby twice today like a little thump the first time very faint and the second time like a bubble..Its so cool I cant wait till I feel it all the time!!!
Well I did have an OB appointment today till I got a call at 9:00 telling me more then likely he wouldnt be there because he had a delivery kind of reminded me of when I first started going to him. I could still go in today but I would have Amanda who does the U/S she is a PA-C???
I decided to wait till next week Wed and I will see DR Wolfe at 3:20. Diane did say something about a pap yikes I didnt think I would be getting an exam of any type again just had one in March, o well.
I did pick up the babies heartbeat twice today the first time it took me a bit and as soon as I found it the Dr's office called so I had to stop so later I tried again and I found it almost as soon as I put the wand there :O) still from 158 to 168 most of the time it hovers 163...Its the best sound in the world!!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Life has been crazy

Rachel made it through ALMOST the whole softball season at school without getting hurt till the last 2 weeks. On May 15th she was hit in the head by a softball that was batted by the coach right in the head...ouch she didnt pass out but had a major headache and didnt tell us anything else till Friday when she got hit again in the same spot by another ball and thought oh gee I should tell my mom that I have been having dizzy spells, headaches, and blackouts since the first hit( crazy child!) well she broke the news to me very late Friday / Saturday morning so off to the er we went and had an mri and she did have a mild Concussion. She was just told to take it easy and rest on gym for a week and we had to see the Dr on Moday.
We went camping for Memorial weekend which was great no one got hurt and the weather was nice and best of all David drove up to spend the weekend with us :O) I havent see him since Christmas.
Ok We just get back from Memorial weekend her first day back to school Tuesday, Rachel cuts her toe on a door at school I have to pick her up go back to the er and get 6 stiches. Wed I have an appointment for Christopher for his 3 year checkup and shots and one for Rachel for a tb test ( she wants to Volunteer at the hosp this summer) the Dr walks in the room and lets out a little laugh he hasnt seen her in years and now twice in less then a month and to top it off I have to take her back Friday to have her tb test looked at...sigh
I feel like this month has been spent at Drs offices or Hosp!!! Just think tomorrow is a new month and what to I have planned............................................................................................................
My ob's visit and taking Rachel in for a
Other then seeing Dr's we are tearing apart our kitchen so far he has the closet turned into a new area for the computer which looks very nice, the trim at the top of the walls and the Ceiling
painted...this little bit has taken Chuck MONTHS to do oh I hope and pray it doesnt take months to finish!!!!
On the baby news I am 12 weeks now ...wooooooo hoooooooo thats a big milestone for me :O)
I have a doppler and I can get the little one most of the tijme pretty easy sometimes I have to chase it down but in the long run I find the heartrate is between 158 and 168 :O) we wont talk about weight right now I am afride to hit the Dr's scale tomorrow...yikes I know its a lot!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

9 weeks

I am 9 weeks today YIPPIE!! I dont feel too much different, yes I am still tired, hungry all the time and at times I still get that icky feeling if I dont eat but thats is starting to taper off a little.

My belly seems to be getting a bit bigger I keep wanting it to be huge to make me feel But for as far as I am its pretty big.
I bought one of those Hi-Bebe fetal dopplers I know I am going to make myself crazy with It has listed that SOME people can hear their babies at 8 weeks most at 10 others at you know in my mind I think I should hear it at I tried yesterday and I could hear mine, tired today and I got 158 at few times but I never heard it the doppler just went to that for a few seconds and went back to 110 so I cant really count that can I.
Here is this weeks pictures

Monday, May 07, 2007

we have a heartbeat

I went in for my u/s May 4th. I was so scared and nervous my hands were shaking. Jasmin took me in and we talked for a bit then she told me I was getting the tech not Dr Wolfe but he would pop in :O( Well Melissa came in and was very nice to me and I told her I was very nervous she was very understanding. She is the one who adjusts the chair in a bad your in a chair with your behind way up in the air then your on your head and then she drops the bottom of the chair oh my talk about embarrassing! She put the wand in but had me in a way I couldn't really see anything then Dr Wolfe walked in at that second I looked again and I thought I seen a flicker I asked Dr Wolfe and he said yes it was I rolled over and gave him a big hug ( I warned him first) I was so happy. He said I look to be 8 weeks a day or two according to FF I am 8 weeks 2 days Melissa put down 8 weeks 1 day. When she was done I just about leaped off that chair they didn't like that When I went to the desk to make my next appointment the lady working ( I wish I knew her name) was so nice we talked for a little bit I go in June 1. Then Dr Wolfe popped around the corner and told me to tell Chuck he was sorry no twins this I gave him another hug and told him I was very happy to have one with a beating heart :O) Jenn then walked in and was teasing me about my big old van she knew I was there.. OI told her I had a heartbeat and gave her a hug :O) ok so I was hug happy. I called Chuck as soon as I got to the parking lot and gave him the good news.
Here's my baby :O) my Dr's ultrasound machine isnt the best but I didnt care as long as I could see that little heart beating

Friday, April 20, 2007


I got my beta number back today its 30,209 :O) Right where it should be for how far along I am...I am so happy. Now I could use some major prayers that my ultrasound goes great that the baby has a nice strong heartbeat.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

is morning sickness kicking in?

I am just not feeling right these days. I feel like I dont want to eat nothing seems good to eat but I do because I know I need to. So smells are starting to make me feel a bit icky but not bad. Today I had some cereal and it just didnt taste right. If I am going to get sick I would just rather get it and get it over with then having that nasty feeling.
Today is my first ob's visit :O) I am excited to go but I know there is not really anything he can tell me yet..other then the blood test and an exam that will be about it. But I am still happy about it..
I am also getting VERY moody and Chuck is on my hit I dont know I know its not all me but just about anything he says or does makes me mad these days.. Some things I am justifed for just

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Yep I am :O)

if you noticed the ticker you can see I am pregnant!!!!! Yippie I am a bit scared I guess having a few m/c's can do that to you. But I am staying positive that this little one is going to grow nice strong and healthy. I have yet to tell many people I just like to see how long before they to me I feel like I have a big sign on my belly saying pregnant. I am already popping out I know its not the baby just a lot of bloat, boy OMG its a lot! My 4 older kids know but not the mom's yet. My parents come home from Fl next week so I am going to be breaking the news to them soon.
My first ob appointment is this coming Wed in a way I cant wait and yet I can...I know hormones what can I say :O)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Going to TRY and post

Well my baby just turned 3 last Saturday and Rachel 15 ouch where did the time go????
Winter is dragging on but there seems to be an end in sight. I hear it will be in the 40's this weekend. Time to get my butt outside and start some walking or bike riding with Christopher. Chuck wants to start on the kitchen. I don't want to be any where in sight!!! We have already had fights over which tiles to use. The man tells me to pick out what I WANT..I did that we got home and he tells me he doesn't like it...sigh I am just going to let him pick it out cause I know if I do he will find some reason later why he shouldn't have done it that way or picked out that!!! Tomorrow he is going to drop the whole kitchen ceiling...I am LEAVING for the day...I don't even want to think of the mess!!!!!
Well its official the world now knows my son is a complete nut him and his buddies put a skit up of him doing strange things on his my space and you tube...most of it was funny but I could have done without seeing my son is a sorta but hearing his laugh was priceless to me I miss that sooooooooooooooo much. If your brave enough here is the link to you tube...I am blushing

once I upload my pics I will have Rachel's and Christopher's birthday party.. its just been a crazy week, I am so behind on my orders I have so much sewing and custom orders to do, I took a break for a week now I get to pay for

Friday, February 09, 2007

Ahhh potty training

Christopher is 2 almost 3 and my hubby thinks its time to start potty training. I know its time but I think I have been holding off cause itsmy baby, Once he is potty trained all the baby stage is gone :O(
I tried the other day to put his little behind on the toilet and the poor kid freaked so I thought I would make a big deal of this and take him to the store and let him pick out a potty chair and some new big boy undies..ok of off to the store we go he picks out a cute Winnie the Pooh chair ( kind of fitting its it getting a pooh so I put it in the cart and we head over to the underwear he picked out cars then looked at the two items in the cart and I think he put two and two together and started telling me over and over again "no toilet mommy, no potty" he even told the lady ringing us up.
Got home put it together and tried to sit him down he ran off running butt naked telling me no toilet... hummm I don't think he likes the I did get him to try but I am not going to puch him I want him to want to go not to freak out or think its a bad thing..

Crystal my oldest is working!!!!!! YAY!! it took her 6 months to find a job.

David is working Hazmat right now. He will do that for 3 months, everyone has to take turns. But he will have more time to study so he can make corp :O)
He tried calling me the other day to tell me he had to dispose of some hazardous material and now he is glowing in the While I was talking to him he let out a little yell then the phone went dead..he called me right back telling me that his buddy Iuro had a stun gun and was trying to shock him, well Iuro turned it off and David thought it would be funny to grab it and stun Iuro well I guess it takes awhile for the volts to run out the the gun and he stunned this kid of mine is a real him to death :O)