Tuesday, January 15, 2008

OMG I cant believe he said this

Chuck and I were talking today about our parents more like our mothers. My mom had told Chuck right after I had Jorden that he needed to go get snipped ... at that time Chuck agreed with her which made me mad ..its not that I am thinking of another baby its the fact they think they ( my mom) can try to run my life. well then a few days ago my mother in-law was at my house and she was on the phone telling who ever she was talking to that this was my last baby that she cant do this anymore...what????? I dont ask her to do anything I never have her babysit so why would me having another baby effect her? Anyways today when Chuck and I were talking I was talking about my mom and what she said..well I kind of jumped and said I really dont care what my mom said that its our lives its up to us not her or his mom. He looked shocked and said I was right and once we have all the bills caught up if I want I can do what I want...in other words I can have another baby if I want We should have that done by this summer. I am not sure if I want to try for another baby or not but I like the ideal that if I want to Chuck is with me.

Jorden is getting big fast I cant believe how fast they grow!!! I have to remember to take a lot of pictures. I got a few nice one today.


Paula said...

That's always so nice to hear from your hubby, isn't it! Way to go! I hope if you want it to, that it happens for you.

Opus #6 said...

Sweet pics! Great that you and your husband are strong together. That is the important part.