Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bear Hunting

Well Chuck left last Saturday for bear hunting. His brother went with him a 13 hour drive to get to the upper part of Michigan yea a 13 hour drive that when Chuck called the NEXT day said it took them 18 just a little lost he said. I really hope they had nicer weather then we did Saturday and all day Sunday it rained here we had flood warnings out starting Saturday night, the kids loved the puddles which soon turned into ponds..they had a ball running through the streets with the water up to their knees at some parts all the ditches were filled ( TG I dont have a ditch in front of my house) the kids were using them like water least 4 of my kids found out how much fun it was to slide down a ditch full of water and mud and just how much fun it was till they came home and mom seen that they had on their school shoes, and they were full of mud walking on my nice new living room floor....all and all I didnt yell that much, I did grumble a lot as I was washing the clothes I had to wash them twice just to get the ground in mud out and to see what color the clothes really were.

My poor baby has an ear infection :O( I thought it was him getting teeth in since he wasnt running a fever or pulling on his ears, he was just a bit cranky and just starting to get a runny nose, I wasn't even going to bring him into the Dr but I had to take Samantha since she had an ear ache, so after a nice long long wait at the Drs office I found out that they both have double ear infections, and Samantha also has a sines infection..I just love winter coming....not really

Only 3 more weeks till David should be home from Iraq...Crystal and I are TRYING to see if the two of us can go down and greet him when he comes in. We haven't told him because its a long shot if we can, and if we do we want it to be a surprise. I would love to go!!!! I haven't even told Chuck about this one to find some way to break the news to him and see if I can find someone to watch the baby and Christopher durning the day...Chuck does have vacation time left :O) We still don't know the date he will be in on, only the week so it makes it hard to get a hotel room or make plans so if we don't find out soon we will have to give up going down to see him..I don't know I'll keep you posted if we get to go and don't tell anyone of our plans just in case if could get back to David.


Maisy said...

Sorry to hear of the double ear infections. Arrrgh! Hope the meds they are taking has helped them to feel better. :)
Did Chuck get a bear?????
Janet (Olivia Jane)

Lisa said...

That must've been some bear hunt! Is he back yet? ;-) (hint hint....)