Monday, August 04, 2008


have you ever been so frustrated that you cant think straight? That you feel dammed if you do dammed if you don't? That your told you should act one way but when you try that's not what they want? But if you don't your told you don't care or your not good enough...i know I am being vague but in this situation I need to be..I just want to run and keep running till I cant go anymore..I don't know what to do anymore, I feel like so much of me is lost and I'm not sure where or how to find it anymore. How do you try and help and your not told anything and when you are told its a slam


Emma said...

I'm sorry you're being treated so poorly. Take care.

Beachcomber said...

I am so sorry you are feeling frustrated. I hope things get better. Big hugs.

Catherine said...

Debbie I am sorry- I sure hope things start to feeling better soon-

Maisy said...

Debbie, Yes....I've felt that way. I'm sorry you've been put throught the wringer. :( I hope things have straightend out some for you. Hugs.
Olivia Jane

Opus #6 said...

Sorry to see this so late. But your words sound familiar. I hope things got better for you.