I really ment to post more often but as normal life got in the way and I forgot again...lol
Lets see what has happened since I last posted?????
Humm David is now back in N.C but is coming home next week for 3 weeks :O) When he went back to N.C after the accident he was stripped of rank he is now a Lance Corp, lost half his pay for 45 days, under room arrest for the 45 days plus a few other things. For awhile there we didnt think he would be allowed to come home for a long time but he is going to Iraq in Feb so he gets a block leave for 3 weeks he will be flying home on the 8th I cant wait to see him again.
Crystal is doing well she is still using either a wheelchair or walker but now she can stand and put weight on both feet and she is starting to walk not use slide across the floor with the walker...she has come a long ways. They say she might be able to go back to work in 4 to 6 weeks, she is so ready to start working again.
The other news is I am no longer pregnant.....yep after being 10 days late Jorden Scott was born :O) He was 9 pounds and 21 inches long. His birth was by far my best there was no pain at all with the help of a great epi...lol I even got to help pull him out after his head and shoulders were out. I will post a link of his birth story for anyone who wants to read it.
this is a pic of my little one on his birthday
Jorden is now a little over 2 weeks old the little stinker is already spoiled but thats ok I love holding him and after having older kids and seeing how fast they grow up I want to enjoy every min of him. I find myself not getting ANYTHING done but other then nursing (which he thinks I should do 24/7 ) or I am sitting cuddleing him. I think I am going to make a wrap for him maybe then I can get a few things done around here and keep him nice and close to me :O)
Oh Debbie, he is sooooooo sweet. I love his cheeks! What a very handsome little man he is. It's about time you updated your blog! :-D Where's the birth story link you mentioned? I don't see it.
I had a few problems after I had him and had to go back to the hosp..but I am doing great now and might even have time to write it out..
Yea I am going to TRY and keep this updated..key word try...lol
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