Wednesday, May 09, 2007

9 weeks

I am 9 weeks today YIPPIE!! I dont feel too much different, yes I am still tired, hungry all the time and at times I still get that icky feeling if I dont eat but thats is starting to taper off a little.

My belly seems to be getting a bit bigger I keep wanting it to be huge to make me feel But for as far as I am its pretty big.
I bought one of those Hi-Bebe fetal dopplers I know I am going to make myself crazy with It has listed that SOME people can hear their babies at 8 weeks most at 10 others at you know in my mind I think I should hear it at I tried yesterday and I could hear mine, tired today and I got 158 at few times but I never heard it the doppler just went to that for a few seconds and went back to 110 so I cant really count that can I.
Here is this weeks pictures

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