Thursday, May 31, 2007

Life has been crazy

Rachel made it through ALMOST the whole softball season at school without getting hurt till the last 2 weeks. On May 15th she was hit in the head by a softball that was batted by the coach right in the head...ouch she didnt pass out but had a major headache and didnt tell us anything else till Friday when she got hit again in the same spot by another ball and thought oh gee I should tell my mom that I have been having dizzy spells, headaches, and blackouts since the first hit( crazy child!) well she broke the news to me very late Friday / Saturday morning so off to the er we went and had an mri and she did have a mild Concussion. She was just told to take it easy and rest on gym for a week and we had to see the Dr on Moday.
We went camping for Memorial weekend which was great no one got hurt and the weather was nice and best of all David drove up to spend the weekend with us :O) I havent see him since Christmas.
Ok We just get back from Memorial weekend her first day back to school Tuesday, Rachel cuts her toe on a door at school I have to pick her up go back to the er and get 6 stiches. Wed I have an appointment for Christopher for his 3 year checkup and shots and one for Rachel for a tb test ( she wants to Volunteer at the hosp this summer) the Dr walks in the room and lets out a little laugh he hasnt seen her in years and now twice in less then a month and to top it off I have to take her back Friday to have her tb test looked at...sigh
I feel like this month has been spent at Drs offices or Hosp!!! Just think tomorrow is a new month and what to I have planned............................................................................................................
My ob's visit and taking Rachel in for a
Other then seeing Dr's we are tearing apart our kitchen so far he has the closet turned into a new area for the computer which looks very nice, the trim at the top of the walls and the Ceiling
painted...this little bit has taken Chuck MONTHS to do oh I hope and pray it doesnt take months to finish!!!!
On the baby news I am 12 weeks now ...wooooooo hoooooooo thats a big milestone for me :O)
I have a doppler and I can get the little one most of the tijme pretty easy sometimes I have to chase it down but in the long run I find the heartrate is between 158 and 168 :O) we wont talk about weight right now I am afride to hit the Dr's scale tomorrow...yikes I know its a lot!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

9 weeks

I am 9 weeks today YIPPIE!! I dont feel too much different, yes I am still tired, hungry all the time and at times I still get that icky feeling if I dont eat but thats is starting to taper off a little.

My belly seems to be getting a bit bigger I keep wanting it to be huge to make me feel But for as far as I am its pretty big.
I bought one of those Hi-Bebe fetal dopplers I know I am going to make myself crazy with It has listed that SOME people can hear their babies at 8 weeks most at 10 others at you know in my mind I think I should hear it at I tried yesterday and I could hear mine, tired today and I got 158 at few times but I never heard it the doppler just went to that for a few seconds and went back to 110 so I cant really count that can I.
Here is this weeks pictures

Monday, May 07, 2007

we have a heartbeat

I went in for my u/s May 4th. I was so scared and nervous my hands were shaking. Jasmin took me in and we talked for a bit then she told me I was getting the tech not Dr Wolfe but he would pop in :O( Well Melissa came in and was very nice to me and I told her I was very nervous she was very understanding. She is the one who adjusts the chair in a bad your in a chair with your behind way up in the air then your on your head and then she drops the bottom of the chair oh my talk about embarrassing! She put the wand in but had me in a way I couldn't really see anything then Dr Wolfe walked in at that second I looked again and I thought I seen a flicker I asked Dr Wolfe and he said yes it was I rolled over and gave him a big hug ( I warned him first) I was so happy. He said I look to be 8 weeks a day or two according to FF I am 8 weeks 2 days Melissa put down 8 weeks 1 day. When she was done I just about leaped off that chair they didn't like that When I went to the desk to make my next appointment the lady working ( I wish I knew her name) was so nice we talked for a little bit I go in June 1. Then Dr Wolfe popped around the corner and told me to tell Chuck he was sorry no twins this I gave him another hug and told him I was very happy to have one with a beating heart :O) Jenn then walked in and was teasing me about my big old van she knew I was there.. OI told her I had a heartbeat and gave her a hug :O) ok so I was hug happy. I called Chuck as soon as I got to the parking lot and gave him the good news.
Here's my baby :O) my Dr's ultrasound machine isnt the best but I didnt care as long as I could see that little heart beating