Thursday, August 07, 2008


well phase one is done with the house. The restoration company left on Tuesday. They left me with a MESS and half a house. My living room ceiling has a 3 by 6foot part cut out, one full wall is gone and a 3 by 12 foot section of my carpet is gone..then we have my kitchen the whole ceiling is missing half of a wall, the floor and my cabinets. The upstairs half the hallway carpet is gone all the walls has a 3 ft part missing, the bathroom needs a new floor and all new walls and the cabinets..oh then we have my bedroom carpet it needs to be replaced and all the rooms that were affected will have to be painted of course ...this is going to be A LOT of work.
I have had 6 different companies come out for is what I think..

1)first company....he did way too much he wants to take down walls that were not affected and really didn't tell me anything, I didn't like that.

2) second company he was he went through the house told me this and that had to be done, he would wave my deductible, would let us say what we want done and how the funds would be spent..sounds good right....a few days later I call him to see if there was a quote in writing and the whole time he talked to me it was honey this, sweetheart that, baby you name it I was called if by any chance I hired this guy first off my hubby would NOT like it if he called me these names, plus I don't think he would like seeing a hot looking guy in his house all day..

3) he came out wrote all kinds of things down also, then as he was leaving he hands me a paper to sign, I asked him what it was and he told me it was a work release...that in order to get a quote I have to say I would let them do the work..Grrr ..don't think so

4) he seemed nice told me what needed to be done and had details

5) he wanted to patch my drywall not replace, wanted to do as little as possible

6) he told me everything he wanted to do how I could go with a wood floor in the living room instead where the money would go, and if we wanted to hire certain things out to someone different we could..he seemed honest and had lots of info

So #1,2,3 and 5 are out of the running.. it is a tossup between 4 and 6..but so far 6 is in the
hey I like the ideal of wood floors in my living room :O)

Monday, August 04, 2008


have you ever been so frustrated that you cant think straight? That you feel dammed if you do dammed if you don't? That your told you should act one way but when you try that's not what they want? But if you don't your told you don't care or your not good enough...i know I am being vague but in this situation I need to be..I just want to run and keep running till I cant go anymore..I don't know what to do anymore, I feel like so much of me is lost and I'm not sure where or how to find it anymore. How do you try and help and your not told anything and when you are told its a slam