Thursday, July 31, 2008

omg can you believe two post in one

just had to share the latest pic of the baby..

I still wonder how in the world he can do this, looks like it wojld hurt but then again babies are so flexible...

how does a person know???

I HATE working with insurance and builders!!!! This is just the start I know it, the water removal guys have been here for the pass three day the first day they did nothing since they didn know what the insurance company would pay for the next day they didnt do anything again since the insurance adjuster had not showed up at our house yet so they just dropped off blower and a hepa filter machine..the blowers are HOT and we have 2 huge things blowing hot air in the house it feels like it 100 in the house and I have the air on..So today they showed up again to remove my kitchen ceiling and part of my carpeting upstairs they were here ALL day just for that. The adjuster came he was cheerful..not he kept taking pics and measurements of everything in the house even things that werent in the accident zone..he didnt give me much info just to let the guys do what they think needs to me done, so I asked him how do I know that what they do will be covered he said "you dont"...omg I am suppose to let these guys rip apart my house and not know if they are going to cover it...I dont think so! So every little thing they wanted to do I made them double check with the insurance company.
Tomorrow they want to take down my living room wall, kitchen floor and bathroom floor oh and the living room carpeting...I'm NOT looking forward to this!!!1
The kids were so amazed with everything they were doing I swear if the guys would of let them help they would have been in their glory.
The guys finished up for the day at 4:00...darn it just in time for me to make dinner..

Monday, July 28, 2008

wow thats all I can say

you just never know what could happen in this house. Just when you think you have seen it all something else happens...I didnt get upset when I seen the kids playing Tarzan hanging from the tree branch and jumping off the playhouse, I didnt get upset when one child dumped dirty turtle water out her window and her sister heard some strange noise in her downstairs bedroom so she stuck her head out the window..and got a bath in turtle water ( in fact I thought that one was funny :O) I didnt get mad when they were throwing water balloons out the upstairs window, or when one was using the shovel as a catapult with dog poo at the neighbors house( ok he did get grounded for that one and had to clean up the mess),,,but when a 4 year old comes up to you and says the water in the toilet is too high..I would say question it dont ignore now for the riddle of the day?????

What do you get when you have a 4 year old little boy, a roll of tp and an upstairs toilet????

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wow look at him go

I cant believe how much Jorden is starting to do now. For the longest time he was happy to stay on his back and look at us if he was in his pack -n-play, he wouldnt even try to roll over, or he would bounch like a mad man in his MegaSaucer. But in the last 2 weeks the little stinker has learned its fun to move.. He can now roll all over the place to get what ever he wants, he gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth and lunges forward to get places , he goes from his knees to sitting and will sit there for a long time before he falls over..he is just all over the place. He now has two teeth that has just broken through, he is leaking soooooooooo badly stillfrom teeting, poor kids clothes are soaked all the time. Anything in sight he puts in his mouth, and his new thing is gram crackers he loves them..have you ever see or touched a gram cracker after a baby gummed it to death..yuck a soggy mess, and they always somehow seem to get more on their face, belly or chair then in their bellies. It still amazes me how much a baby learns that first year of life.

David gets to call us about once a week from Iraq, he sounds so good!He told us he will not re-enlist that he wants to go back to school. He wants to go into nursing :O) he is going to start taking classes when he gets back into the states. He might be redeployed back to Iraq before his time is up in the Marines he will be done Jan of 2010...ya I have count down going already :O)

My brother in-law is getting married!!!! Major shock he is what we all thought of as the confirmed bachelor he has been with the same girl for the pass 6 years be never in that time did he even hint that marriage would be in their future so when he told everyone they got engaged you can image all of our amazement and now he did one better they set the date and even got the church booked, so I guess this is really going to happen :O) I am so happy for them I am really looking forward to them having kids I have a lot of years to torture his kids after half the things he has done to mine, and after some of the gifts he has bought...oh boy I am going to have

Saturday, July 19, 2008

What was I thinking

Dont ask me how it happened, honest is just snow balled. I said yes to Samantha having a friend spend the night her friend is also d, then her brother who plays with my 7 year old asked if he got to stay too..ok I think thats not bad its very hot out we have a pool and a camper in the back so we can go for night swims have a camp fire and sleep out in the camper...before long I have my other son putting up a tent in the back yard saying dad said that he and a friend could camp out. Then came that kid's sister who plays with my daughter and stright out asks if she can stay the total is 4 extra kids including my 10 that are still living at home ( one is in the military) then I get a call from my oldest saying she invited a FEW friends over to go swimming and play cards, I ask what is a few she tells me no more then 5 or I went downstairs a bit ago and I found 3 more kids standing in my kitchen and my son eyeballing me...I just shook my head no and walked a way. I know I am a push over if I stayed in that room I would have 3 more staying..I just got done feeding the mob it took 8 pizzas and almost 7 2lts of pop I can hear splashing and yelling right now and my sweet hubby is the middle of all the kids in the pool...crazy or not I love days like these, tommorrow I 'll be a bit insane but thats ok...wish me luck if you dont hear from me I didnt make

Ok its morning and I made it :O)

here is how our night went, 10pm I got the baby to sleep, oldest came home with 3 of her friends they stayed in the house playing cards so she listened for the baby incase he woke up..we had a campfire for a little bit till my 7 year old son was likeing the fire way to much for me to be comfortable, if you know what I at 11pm we went for a swim ( I sat in chat for a short time..had to talk to some adults) Then the kids had snacks, some stayed in the house and played the computers and others played playstation, only 7 stayed in the camper with me..1 am back for a quick night swim ...I thought I would tire the kids out and they would sleep..nope didnt happen..we then played some cards, watched a movie, colored and the girls ran out to the tent some of the boys were sleeping in to try to scare them..lets just say that started the war and they all were running after each by 4 am I am dying and the kids are still going strong...but by 5 am they are dropping like flies ..saddly the few that passed out around 2am were up and ready to start the day by 7 the ones that were still sleeping got a sharpie beards...Cooked breadfast at 8am went swimming again.. its noon and only one child has gone home but that child was replaced by another kid who lives down the looks like its going to rain so MAYBE we might have a few more go home and I can go back to sleep.

Wish I could post some pics of all the lovely faces, but with out thinking I gave Rach my camera to take to camp with her..which by the way I pick her up this evening, cant wait till she gets home but in a way I can since while she was gone I killed her hermit crab...hey no one said I had to feed the think while she was gone..oppps, I should I figured that out yesterday since her room had a bad smell