I cant believe how much
Jorden is starting to do now. For the longest time he was happy to stay on his back and look at us if he was in his pack -n-play, he
wouldnt even try to roll over, or he would
bounch like a mad man in his
MegaSaucer. But in the last 2 weeks the little stinker has learned its fun to move.. He can now roll all over the place to get what ever he wants, he gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth and lunges forward to get places , he goes from his knees to sitting and will sit there for a long time before he falls over..he is just all over the place. He now has two teeth that has just broken through, he is leaking
soooooooooo badly
stillfrom teeting, poor kids clothes are soaked all the time. Anything in sight he puts in his mouth, and his new thing is gram crackers he loves them..have you ever see or touched a gram cracker after a baby gummed it to death..yuck a soggy mess, and they always somehow seem to get more on their face, belly or chair then in their bellies. It still amazes me how much a baby learns that first year of life.
David gets to call us about once a week from Iraq, he sounds so good!He told us he will not re-enlist that he wants to go back to school. He wants to go into nursing :O) he is going to start taking classes when he gets back into the states. He might be
redeployed back to Iraq before his time is up in the Marines he will be done Jan of 2010...ya I have count down going
already :O)
My brother in-law is getting married!!!! Major shock he is what we all thought of as the confirmed
bachelor he has been with the same girl for the pass 6 years be never in that time did he even hint that marriage would be in their future so when he told everyone they got engaged you can image all of our amazement and now he did one better they set the date and even got the church booked, so I guess this is really going to happen :O) I am so happy for them I am really looking forward to them having kids I have a lot of years to torture his kids after half the things he has done to mine, and after some of the gifts he has bought...oh boy I am going to have fun.....